Författare: jonny

  • A Take On Software Engineering

    I found this great blog post from Gergely Orosz about the differences between working as a software engineer for a traditional company versus working for a Silicon Valley style company. It highlights problems that I’ve experienced to some degree in various companies. It’s recommended reading for Software Engineers/Devlopers and their managers. https://blog.pragmaticengineer.com/what-silicon-valley-gets-right-on-software-engineers/

  • Controlling Media Playback

    I have a need and in theory, I have a solution. I have some code to write as soon as I can find enough time to actually do it. One step on the way is finding out how to play and pause media played on my computer. Primarily the Spotify application. My keyboard has media…

  • Generating CSR in .NET Core

    As I’m working on my first ever integration to ”Swish Handel” I needed to gernerate a CSR, preferably from .NET core. I found parts scattered over the web at best, so this is how I put them together. A CSR is a Certificate Signing Request sent to a Certification Authority to generate a certificate. Certificates…

  • Using Log4Net in Core 2

    Most things are easy when you know how to do it. I found little information and nothing complete on how to get Log4Net working in .Net Core 2.0. This will be a short description covering the steps needed to get it up and running. First create a new project from Visual Studio. I use Visual…

  • ASP.NET 4.6 Entity Framework 6 and MySQL

    I’ve spent a few days looking at a lot of online resources. First for ASP.NET 5 (also know as vNext), the replacement of ASP.NET Identity and Entity Framework 7 and how to get it working with MySQL. At this point in time there is still no support for MySQL in Entity Framework 7. Thus I’m…

  • 405 response for HttpURLConnection

    My search results indicate that a lot of people have had more or less the same problem with server responses from java based clients when using the HttpURLConnection class. First of all, some problems may be caused by the fact that the method setDoOutput(true) changes the request type from GET to POST. Unless you want…

  • CRC8 for iButton in C#

    I came across a project where we needed to read and handle iButtons. The iButton, also known as a Dallas Key, looks like a flat battery. To use the iButton is pressed against a reader and the identitiy is transferred over the OneWire protocol. There is a built in cyclic redundancy check, but it took…